广州轩宇添加剂有限公司生产一系列高品质液体、粉状食用香精,液体、粉状调味料及烘焙用的配料,广泛应用于以下各类食品行业: Henyu Ingredients (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd has a series of liquid and powder food flavours, savoury flavours and seasonings as well as bakery ingredients catering for the following industry
广州轩宇添加剂有限公司为乳制品和冷饮食品开发出一系列香精,广泛应用于冰淇淋,雪糕,意大利雪糕, 棒冰,沙冰。香精品种繁多,有浓香奶味的牛奶系列、香浓逼真的水果味系列,浓郁诱人的果仁味系列等。The selection of flavours for ice cream and frozen products is of utmost importance. We have a vast range of dairy and fruity flavours which have